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Oxefit - OxeLife

An app for mobile devices promoting fitness through its engaging workout videos equipped with virtual fitness instructors.

Who is Oxefit

Oxefit creates technology that integrates robotics, movement and performance tracking, and advanced coaching and analytics to help individuals and teams to become more fit.


This project, Oxelife, was onboarded as a subsidary product to create an Oxefit community with a social aspect to endorse and support the main services and products. The fundamental feature is to provide contents related to health and fitness.

Role & Team

Product designer. Being in a team of 5 funsize designers, we had the opportunity to contribute in all aspects of design starting from research to wireframes, prototyping and testing. I can say that my biggest contribution was creating the design system and creating the hi-fi UI from low-fi wireframes.



Use of color in the app

The color in the app is defined by how deep in the experience users are, going from a more traditional dark skin to a dynamic approach, where color are inherited by the content. The top level (Layer 1), from loading screen to the four main sections, uses a dark theme; this makes the content stand out, making scanning and browsing easier without the distraction of other colors. As soon as the user taps on a piece of content, the UI becomes lighter and uses color from the artwork selected, creating unique landing pages for every Creator, Show and Collection (Layer 2). This look and feel will be inherited by the video detail pages, taking the lighter shade of the background and the highlight color from their parent.


Design system

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This project went live in 2020